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Create Password

Create a password string.



lengthPassword length. Default is 12 characters.
lowercaseUse of lowercase letters
1: Use (default)
0: Do not use
uppercaseUse of uppercase letters
1: Use (default)
0: Do not use
numberUse of numbers
1: Use (default)
0: Do not use
similarUse of similar case
※ "I", "l", "1" etc.
1: Use
0: Do not use (default)
symbolUse of symbols
1: Use (default)
0: Do not use
symbol_listSpecifies the symbol to be used when the symbol is used.
Default is !@#$%^&*+_-= symbols only.



B1: Default


B2: 16 characters


B3: 16 characters+specific symbols


B4: 16 characters+lower-case only


This function does not log to this site.


The WEBSERVICE function uses a cache if a request is sent to the same URL within a certain period of time (approximately 5 seconds).
If you want to generate multiple passwords with the same generation conditions, try adding appropriate parameters.
In the following example, the row and column numbers are sent using trash. (ExcelAPI treats trash as if it does not exist.)